A SkyTech CLS-CCD filter was used to help isolate this nebula from a light-polluted sky. This image was captured from my Bortle Scale Class 7 backyard using a Canon EOS 60Da DSLR camera.
Eos backyard download download#
You can download the individual exposures and calibration frames here. The image was captured using a Radian Raptor 61 APO refractor in October 2020. A Radian Triad Ultra filter was used to help isolate the important wavelengths of light emitted by this nebula from a light-polluted sky. This image was captured from my Bortle Scale Class 7 backyard using a Canon EOS Ra Mirrorless camera. Download: IC 1396 in Cepheus (Elephant’s Trunk Nebula) All of the images were captured using a DSLR/Mirrorless camera attached to a telescope. Each of these images includes a nebula, and this type of deep-sky object presents unique challenges and a worthwhile reward. Right now, there are 4 image files available to download. Let’s See Your Astrophoto Skills: Available Files They are quite large, so be prepared to wait for the download to finish before processing. TIF format, and they have been registered, stacked, and calibrated in DeepSkyStacker. Also, if you incorporate some of your own data into the image, please make sure to specify this.Īll of the data shared on this page was captured by myself. The only rules are that you do not indicate that the images were captured by yourself and that you please link to my website (if possible) when shared. When you are done, share your version of the image on social media with the hashtag #yourastrophotoskills – so others can find them all in one place! How you choose to process this image is up to you.
Eos backyard download software#
TIF file) from this page (the big blue links below), and process the data using your image processing software of choice. The idea is, you download the data (a high resolution.
Eos backyard download pdf#
This guide is a PDF document with over 100 pages of in-depth instruction and exclusive videos only found in the guide. I have a premium astrophotography image processing guide available. The best part about having multiple people process the same data is that you can compare your image processing techniques with others, without the countless variables involved with personal image acquisition techniques.

The best way to get better is to practice your craft. I am not the best at astrophotography image processing, but I have made steady progress over the years, and it’s been really satisfying. In my opinion, there is no singular “right way” to process your astrophotos, nor is their a superior software choice above others. By observing how others approach the same data, we can get a well-rounded point of reference for the subject. It is very interesting to see different takes on the same data set, using a variety of software to get the job done.Īstrophotography images require careful image processing techniques to reveal the faint and beautiful details that lie within the image data. This section of the AstroBackyard website is here for you to hone your astrophotography image processing skills.